Friday 12 August 2016

Journey of Life

What do you think Life is about?
Wealth, Joy, and being Proud?
If you think so, then there's lot to know
This is Life and not a Game Show!

A surprise test it is,
And the lessons are the results of it.
Priceless, I must say
You get to learn each and every day!

With a broken heart, tears are shed
And it's a struggle till the last breath
When you stop, you realise
That time waits for none, it flies.
So, why waste life in useless stuff
When the secret to enjoy lies in a hearty laugh.

Be calm and strong in every danger,
Have faith in HIM, the manager
Just do your work, and live your life
You just don't know when Death may arrive!
                                       - Asmita (First year English Honours (Batch: 2016-17) 

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