Tuesday 22 November 2016

Death and Literature:A Visit to the Cemeteries of Yore

“Can storied urn or animated bust
      Back to its mansion call the feeling breath?
Can honour’s voice provoke the silent dust,
     Or flatt’ry soothe the dull cold ear of Death?”
                               [Thomas Grey’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’] 
As novices in the world of literature, we had our first seminar at our college on “Love and Literature”. In the final year our department organized an excursion to two important cemeteries of Kolkata, as a befitting sequel - 'Death and Literature'. So, on a pleasant November morning we headed to the South Park Street Cemetery- a lush green oasis in the corner of Park Street. Love and Death, being two of the most fundamental themes of literature, marked the beginning and end of our three years long journey.
The South Park Street Cemetery was established in 1767, replacing the yard of St. John’s Church. It hosts 1600 graves or tombs.
In the peaceful paradise of soaring tombs shaded by tropical trees we found ornamental cenotaphs, tablets and epitaphs, surrounded by a picturesque landscape of tall shady trees, bushes and plants of many varieties. The tombs, raised on a brick plinth, are mostly of a square, rectangular or circular structure capped by a domical roof and fronted by Corinthian or Ionian columns that support an entablature contained within the pediment. Besides these, there are other types of monuments, including obelisks, cairns, carved stone urns resting on fluted columns, and the most beautiful sarcophagi. The tombs are a mixture of Gothic architecture with a rich flavour of Indo-Saracenic  style. We admired the contrast of colonial and modern architecture of the tombs. 
There were composite brick structures built in the ‘Panchyatana’ manner, with a central dome flanked by miniature replicas of Orissan ‘Rekha Deul’ on four sides.
The heavily inscribed decaying headstones, rotundas, pyramids and urns have been restored. 
The love of classicism which dominated Britain at that time was carried in the hearts of the youthful adventurers to a distant and exotic land, and lived on in the monuments which they chose to commemorate their friends. Graceful Roman cupolas and elegant Grecian Urns were raised to glorify the memory of people like Colonel Charles Russel Deare, whilst a proportional stone column marks the last resting place of the 26 years old Captain Cooke.  
India was filled with myriad dangers for its settlers and would-be invaders. Without medical knowledge and no immunity to tropical diseases and fevers, they lived at the mercy of the severe and unrelenting climate and were all too often cut down in their youth. 
Child birth or childbed as it was more usually called was almost certainly the principle cause of adult female deaths. Infant mortality was appallingly high. One tomb contains the remains of four infant children of the Twisden family, who died between 1820 and 1827, none living for more than one year and ten months. The actuality or probability of such infant deaths must have been a main motive for exposure of British women, as also of Indian women of the time, to repeated pregnancies with recurrent risk. The inscriptions on many of these infant memorials cry out with the anguish of the bereaved.
“Tropical diseases were a great killer in the early days; soldiers died in small battles; and many ancient mariners were lost in ship wrecks. The long journey by ship would have been a great hardship, and when they alighted themselves they were greeted by an inhospitable and unknown terrain. This is not an apologia for colonialism, but for all their arrogance and jingoism.”

“Nor you, ye Proud, impute to these the fault,
If Memory o'er their tomb no trophies raise,
Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.”                              
                                 [Thomas Grey’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’]

Death has always been portrayed in literature as an equalizer of all ranks. But the graveyard showcases the class distinction among the hierarchy of the society. The relics of elites are huge, highly ornate and bear innovative epitaphs. The tombs of the poverty-stricken, on the other hand, are unadorned and unpretentious.

Still, “The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
 And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Awaits alike the inevitable hour.
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.”
                                 [Thomas Grey’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’] 
The seeds of the Bengal culture awakening were sown by a young man named Henry Louis Vivian Derozio. He also holds a significant position in the field of poetry.  His ‘To My Native Land’, ‘Going into Darkness’ inspired the natives of colonized Bengal. Though considered an Anglo-Indian due to his mixed Portuguese descent, Derozio considered himself an Indian and was filled with patriotic enthusiasm as for his native Bengal. 
He is best known as the pioneer of the “Young Bengal” movement, a group of radical Bengali thinkers based in Hindu College in Kolkata.
In 1831, he contracted cholera, a terminal illness at that time. He died shortly after that at only 22 years of age.

One of the most interesting and picturesque monuments was that of Major-General Charles Stuart; popularly known as ‘Hindu Stuart’. His love of Indian customs  earned him the name “Hindu” Stuart. He was here for 50 years, used to go down to the Ganges everyday, wore Indian clothes off duty and worshipped Hindu Gods. In his book ‘The Vindication of the Hindoos’, Stuart speaks of the greatness of Indian civilization and the need for the British to understand it. His tomb is surrounded by an elaborate edifice with stone carvings of deities.

Intermingling of culture and religion as a positive aspect of colonization can be traced vividly in the cemetery. Unlike the European cemeteries, where the tombs are shaped only in English- more precisely Christian- tradition; the South Park Street Cemetery showcases several graves built in the manner of Islamic or Hindu architecture. Therefore, the graveyard contains several mosque-shaped, temple-shaped and church-shaped tombs.

“life is but a dream for dead.”
Little signs of life amidst all the death , decay and melancholia of the graveyard amazed us.

                                                                                  -Third Year English Honours (Batch: 2016-17)

Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Picaresque Novel

The Picaresque Novel (Spanish: "picaresca," from "pícaro," for "rogue" or "rascal") is a genre of prose fiction which depicts the adventures of a roguish hero/heroine of low social class who lives by his or her wits in a corrupt society. Picaresque novels typically adopt a realistic style, with elements of comedy and satire. It is also known as COMEDIES OF MANNER.

This style of novel originated in 16th-century Spain and flourished throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. It continues to influence modern literature. There are some precedents to the picaresque genre, such as the maqamat – a hustler in 10th century Arabic literature; however, the first modern picaresque is Lazarillo de Tormes.
The picaresque as a generic category originated in Spanish literature of the 16th and early 17th centuries. Then it spread out of Spain, beginning with Germany in 1669, then England with Moll Flanders (1722), several Charles Dickens novels & Huckleberry Finn in the US.

It was written in realistic manner with elements of comedy and satire, episodic.It follows the adventures of a rogue character, who rambles along, relating the shady details of his everyday experiences in autobiographical form.The picaro's tales come across with humor, although tragedy of circumstances usually travels with the storytelling. Although a rascal, the hero can be quite likable in the realism he portrays.The picaresque narrative a pseudo-autobiographical style.

A PICARO (Spanish for “rogue”) is a person who does not have money, power or prestige & lives by his wits as he encounters various powerful eccentrics in his episodic adventures. A picaro lives by his wits, often on the margins of society because of social class or familial disgrace. He is appealing despite the deceits or misadventures he engages in, perhaps because of inherent charm, and sometimes because of his underdog’s disregard for the social conventions that limit him.As a picaro is a trickster, however, readers cannot entirely trust his account, particularly because the events of the story take place in years past. This combination makes the story episodic, rather than tightly structured, and the looseness of the story may result in loose ends not resolved.
The chief features of a Picaresque novel are:
  1. Usually written in first person as an autobiographical account.
  2. No certain plot, disconnected episodes.
3. Social setting - immense variety of incidents & character.
4.  A low social class hero, a trickster - not concerned with moral issues.
5.  Little character development of the hero.
6.  Narrated with plainness of language or realism.
        7.  Realistic picture of contemporary society - satirizing various faults of character, the corruption of           society.

Major SPANISH Examples:
Anonymous, La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes(1554)
Mateo Aleman, Guzman de Afarache(1599-1604)
Francisco Lopez de Ubeda, La Picara Justina(1605)
Vicente Espinel, Marcos de Obregon(1618)
Francisco de Quevedo, Historia de la Vida del Buscon Don Publos;(1626)
Anonymous, Estebanillo Gonzalez(1646)

Lazarillo de Tormes (1554),The Unfortunate Traveller (1594),Don Quixote (1605),Gil Blas(1715),
Moll Flanders(1722)
Joseph Andrews(1742)
Candide (1759)
The Adventures of Roderick Random(1748)

The PICARESQUE element in Lazarillo de Tormes:
Vocabulary used by characters are poor but colloquial & amusing, without any connotation of erudition nor intellectualism.It is written in a ‘circular’ structure ( chapter wise).Lazarillo is a round character.Poor lazarillo narrates his experience with variety of masters & has  to use his wits to obtain food.


Don Quixote is a simple, poor man who assumes himself as a knight. Sancho Panza belongs to  low  social status. His character undergoes maturation  from madness to reality.Hero wanders undertaking knightly adventures meeting  various people.It is Episodic ,written in chapters.

The PICARESQUE element in Moll Flanders: 
Moll Flanders is the pseudonym of the heroine of this novel: since she is wanted by the law, she does not wish to reveal her true identity.
Moll’s life was of continued Variety for “Threescore(60) Years, besides her Childhood, was Twelve Year a Whore, Five times a Wife, Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia, at last grew Rich”.It is written in an autobiographical style. It is intended to moralize but showing a woman’s struggle for survival .Moll undertakes scandalous sexual & criminal adventures.

 It then spread all over Europe, exerting a particularly important influence toward the end of the 17th and above all during the 18th century in Germany, France, and England. The development of the realistic novel owes much to such works, which were written to deflate romantic or idealized fictional forms.
Some science fiction and fantasy books also show a clear picaresque influence for example:
 In 20th and 21st centuries we see Rudyard Kipling's Kim (1901) combined the influence of the picaresque novel with the modern spy novelPío Baroja's novel Zalacain the Adventurer (1909), used this format in the context of the Carlist Wars. The illustrated book The Magic Pudding (1918), by Australian author Norman Lindsay, an example of the picaresque adapted for children's literature.
You can find picaresque prose among many authors, including Henry Fielding (Joseph Andrews), Francois Voltaire (Candide), Lord Byron (Don Juan), and J.D. Salinger (Catcher in the Rye). Thomas Nash is credited with writing the first picaresque novel in English (1594):  The Unfortunate Traveller.
Many features of the original Spanish picaresque pattern and of its picaro-rogue hero correspond to trends in modern fiction and to the concept of the modern limited hero or antihero. The episodic, open-ended plot is an appropriate device for the modern writer, who knows “only broken images” for presenting the fragmented reality of a disorderly, chaotic universe.
The picaro is not unlike the modern alienated individual, born into a world turned upside down. Many critics, therefore, consider the picaresque mode to be one of the most characteristic in twentieth century fiction, while others speak of a picaresque renaissance.
                                                      -Anwesha, Meghna, Aheli (2nd year Honours, Batch: 2016-17)

Sunday 28 August 2016

'Romance' in Literature

What is Romance?
      In OF “romaunt” and “roman” meant, ‘courtly romance in verse’ or ‘a popular book’. Thus romances in verse were works of fiction or non historical. In the 13th century a romance was almost any sort of adventure story of chivalry or of love. Gradually more romances were written in prose. It is principally a form of entertainment. It may be didactic or incidental. It is a European form, influenced by collections like ‘The Arabian Nights’. It is usually concerned with characters that live in a courtly world, remote from the everyday. There are elements of fantasy, improbability, extravagance and naivety. It also suggests elements of love, adventure, the marvelous and the ‘mythic’. It is used loosely to describe a narrative of heroic or spectacular achievements, chivalry, gallant love and deeds of derring-do.

      Romances are generally composed of the constant loves and invincible courage of heroes, heroines, kings and queens, mortals of the first rank, and so forth; where lofty language, miraculous contingencies and impossible performances elevate and surprise the reader into a giddy delight.


·         This branch of literature has been around for some time, so there's a substantial history to discuss. However, for matters of simplicity, we'll be looking at three broad periods in the genre's lengthy development - ancient, medieval, and modern - to get a sense of where it comes from and where it might be headed.
·         Though not yet written in the Romantic tongue, Greek novels of the 1st to 4th centuries A.D. laid the foundations for what would become known as 'romantic' literature. Of such novels, only five remain, one of which is Heliodorus' Ethiopian Romance. In this novel, the author employs several epic conventions such as the use of lofty or exaggerated language to demonstrate the noble virtues of Ethiopia's countrymen.
·         During the Middle Ages we discover the romantic literature that we're perhaps most familiar with, in which tales of knights and chivalry abound. The romantic works of this period generally belonged to one of three groups, one of which - the Matter of Rome - recalled its ancient epic and mythic origins with such examples as Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde. The remaining two groups - the Matter of Britain and the Matter of France - centered on the tales of Arthurian legend and the historical but embellished life of Charlemagne, respectively.
·         The death of romance as it had been for over a millennium occurred with the publication of the first part ofDon Quixote in 1605, which satirized the idealistic virtues of knight errantry against a much harsher reality. Cervantes' masterpiece prompted a shift toward realism, and the romance genre accordingly suffered, almost dying out entirely until the late-18th to mid-19th centuries. At that time, Gothic writers adopted the genre and steered the romantic flights of fancy in a much darker direction. A perfect example would be Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
·         Nowadays, it's easy to find a variety of works that might be classified as 'romance.' Many of them, of course, focus on some aspect of romantic (and sometimes erotic) love, which is what most readers would associate with the genre today. However, even modern Harlequin paperbacks and more religious romantic stories continue to have readers expect the unexpected, from fortuitous twists of fate to the most improbable instances of happenstance.


·         There are several common characteristics of the romance genre. First is their popularity. Until the shift toward realism beginning in the early 17th century, works in the romance genre enjoyed much widespread popularity. Since the re-invigoration of the genre with Gothic romances of the 19th century, romance literature has regained and is even broadening its popular appeal, accounting for almost $1.4 billion in book sales in 2008 alone!
·         Secondly, romances have been so popular through the ages because they're primarily intended for entertainment purposes, and so the vast majority is almost entirely fictional - despite some even being loosely based on historical events. Romance goes further than other fiction genres, though, and breaches the realm of fantasy, either blatantly with the appearance of elves and wizards, or more subtly through the recurrence of the improbable.
·         And also, with so many fantastic elements involved, it should be no surprise to find use of language that's exaggerated or 'over the top.' These and other stylistic choices often cause romance writers to linger on points of little consequence while glossing over those that might normally give us more pause - for example, agonizing over a love poem, but quickly leaving a dying friend to right some injustice.
    ·         Gaslight romance, another name for gaslamp fantasy, featuring fantasy set at a time of approximately 19th technology
    ·         Hellenistic romance, or Ancient Greek romance, a modern term for the genre of the five surviving Ancient Greek novels
     ·         Heroic romance genres
·         Chivalric romance (also called heroic romance), a genre of medieval and Renaissance narrative fiction
·         Planetary romance, a genre of science fiction consisting of adventure tales on exotic planets
·         Scientific romance, an archaic term for the genre of fiction now commonly known as science fiction
·         Romance (music), a type of ballad or lyrical song
·         Romance (meter), a metric pattern found in Spanish ballads
·         Romancero, the corpus of such Spanish ballads, or a collection of them
·         Romance film, a genre of film of which the central plot focuses on the romantic relationships of the protagonists
·         Romance novel, a genre of novel that focuses on romantic love
·         Romantic comedy film, a hybrid genre of film centered on a comic romantic relationship
·         Romanticism, or the Romantic period/era, an artistic and intellectual movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, including
·         Romantic music, the musical style used by Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, Wagner and other late 18th and 19th-century composers
·         Romantic poetry, the poetic style used by Schiller, Blake, Keats, Wordsworth and other late 18th and 19th-century poets
·         Romanticism in science, a movement in science during the Romantic period
·         Russian romance or Russian Gypsy song, a type of sentimental art song with hints of Gypsy influence that was developed in Imperial Russia
·         Scandinavian romanser, classical art songs, equivalent to the German Lied
·         Shakespeare's late romances, the later plays of Shakespeare that mix tragic and comedic elements

   Medieval Romance Literature

Have you ever seen the movie The Princess Bride? If so, you might recall its swashbuckling scenes and its story of love and daring exploits. Although it was adapted from a book published in the 1970s, The Princess Brideshares a lot in common with medieval romance literature, a literary genre comprised of fictional works of chivalry and adventure from the middle Ages.
Works of medieval romance literature were widely popular between the 5th and 16th centuries, and represented the bulk of major literary output at the time. There are examples of the genre composed in prose as well as in verse, with some of the earliest being poetic works closely resembling the verse epics of Ancient Greece and Rome in both form and content.
By the 17th century, the popularity of the genre was already dwindling, and writers were beginning to explore other avenues of expression. You might say that medieval romance literature received its final deathblow in 1605 and 1615 when the two parts of Don Quixote were published. The most notable work of Miguel de Cervantes is actually a satire that contrasts the chivalrous deeds performed in previous romance works with the bounds of reality. Let's take a look now at some of the characteristics of medieval romance literature that Cervantes would have satirized.


Many (though certainly not all) of the works of medieval romance belong to one of three distinct cycles, or groups of tales based on the same frame story. In other words, a cycle uses the same essential story through all its permutations. Two of the story cycles are the Matter of Britain and the Matter of France, denoting their countries of origin. However, there's also the Matter of Rome, which is not so much regional as topical in its reference, as we'll discuss momentarily.

  Subject Matter

The most prominent subject matter of medieval romance literature is knightly exploits, like chivalry and adventure, but to what end are such feats attempted? Perhaps the primary motivator in the genre is the pursuit of courtly love, though this aspect is not what gives the genre its name. Romance is actually Old French for 'from the Romantic tongue' (i.e. Latin-derived languages). Within these stories, there is also a prevalence of improbable, miraculous, or even mystical events, objects, and people.
The most notable feature of the genre's style is the authors' use of elevated, what we might call exaggerated, language. Authors of medieval romance literature typically used elevated language because they saw their work as thematically on par with their ancient epic predecessors. While employing such florid and lofty speech, it's no far stretch to imagine that the dialogue and pronouncements of the characters are rather melodramatic.
There are also stock scenes that are typically inserted into these works; for instance, there's the 'knight's triumph' or the classic 'damsel-in-distress,' either of which can usually be a great source of the story's improbability. This sort of hyperbolic, high-stakes action, though, was purposeful since authors knew it would draw readers in. Let's take a look at some examples of medieval romance literature that have been drawing readers in for centuries.

  Examples: La Chanson de Roland

La Chanson de Roland, a literary chanson de geste from around 1100, is one of the earliest major works of French literature in existence and is most often attributed to the Norman poet Turold. As many other examples from the Matter of France, The Song of Roland centers on one of the most renowned paladins, or knights in Charlemagne's court.
Particularly, this poetic romance's focus is the Battle of Roncevaux in A.D. 778, which was fought between the armies of Charlemagne and Basques. Turold, however, has taken some poetic license with the historical facts, making the arrogance and death of Roland and his subsequent avenging by Charlemagne much more dramatic and significant than any of the events of the battle actually were.

  Romance Plays
Defining Shakespeare’s plays as ‘Romance plays’ is a relatively new affair. Shakespeare’s plays have traditionally been classified as ‘tragedies,’ ‘histories’ or ‘comedies’ but as time went by and scholars began to regard him as the greatest English writer of all times, his plays were studied more carefully by academics, researchers and critics. It became difficult to accept the old categories because many of the plays refused to fit into those categories, so they began to be described in different ways.
As Shakespeare approached the end of his career he became more interested in some of the ideas that he had touched on in the earlier plays. Shakespeare used themes like the redeeming qualities of nature as opposed to the corrupt staleness of city and court life; the regeneration that the younger generation represented; and encounters with spiritual experiences. Instead of flawed characters dying as a result of their deficiencies, as we find in the more Aristotelian models like Macbeth, they could be redeemed by a daughter or by nature or by a combination of both. The character was able to repent for his mistakes and bad deeds and was allowed to live, to embark on a new life that those things had taught him.
Those late plays had elements of comedy and tragedy as well as having a wider view of life. They have become a new classification, named Romance Plays by scholars. The plays that usually fall into that category are Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. These plays are also called ‘tragicomedies.’
The things that these four plays have in common are that some conflict or injustice that occurred a long time ago is resolved; the death of the perpetrator avoids death by heartfelt and full repentance; and that extraordinary occurrences like shipwrecks, improbable disguises and supernatural events act as dramatic devices. The plays also feature the re-unification of divided families. Whereas in comedies there is a happy ending where all the characters are paired of in love and happiness, there are pairings and happy endings in the romance plays but always with the dark shadows cast by the unpleasant events that lurk in everyone’s memory.
Although one finds beautiful poetry in all of Shakespeare’s plays he seems to be making a special effort to be poetic in the romance plays and the beautiful passages of those plays are favorite recitation pieces and have been put to music by some of the top composers of the past half century.

   Supernatural and fantastiC literature

The old Gothic tales that came out of the late 19th century are the first examples of the genre of fantastic fiction. These tales often centered on larger-than-life characters such as Sherlock Holmes, famous detective of the times, Sexton Blake, Phileas Fogg, and other fictional characters of the era, such as Dracula, Edward Hyde, The Invisible Man, and many other fictional characters who often had exotic enemies to foil. Spanning the 18th and 19th centuries, there was a particular type of story-writing known as gothic. Gothic literature combines romance and horror in attempt to thrill and terrify the reader. Possible features in a gothic novel are foreign monsters, ghosts, curses, hidden rooms and witchcraft. Gothic tales usually take place in locations such as castles, monasteries, and cemeteries, although the gothic monsters sometimes cross over into the real world, making appearances in cities such as London.
From Dickens’s urban underworlds and the polite society of Jane Austen to the radical politics of William Blake and the fantasy worlds of the Brontë sisters, explore 23 iconic authors from the Romantic and Victorian periods.
   Romantic Novels
      According to the Romance Writers of America, the main plot of a romance novel must revolve about the two people as they develop romantic love for each other and work to build a relationship. Both the conflict and the climax of the novel should be directly related to that core theme of developing a romantic relationship, although the novel can also contain subplots that do not specifically relate to the main characters' romantic love. Furthermore, a romance novel must have an "emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.”
      Some romance novel authors and readers believe the genre has additional restrictions, from plot considerations (such as the protagonists' meeting early on in the story), to avoiding themes (such as adultery). Other disagreements have centered on the firm requirement for a happy ending; some readers admit stories without a happy ending, if the focus of the story is on the romantic love between the two main characters (e.g., Romeo and Juliet). While the majority of romance novels meet the stricter criteria, there are also many books widely considered to be romance novels that deviate from these rules. Therefore, the general definition, as embraced by the RWA and publishers, includes only the focus on a developing romantic relationship and an optimistic ending. 
      The formats are- Category Romance, Single-title Romance, Contemporary romance, Historical romance, Romantic suspense, Para-normal romance, Science-fiction romance, Fantasy romance, Time-travel romance, Inspirational romance, Multi-cultural romance, Erotic romance.
   Romance and Picaresque
      Near the end of the 14th c. Chaucer satirized romance by means of burlesque in his tale of ‘Sir Thopas’.  Occasionally, after Chaucer, we find examples of satire on the conventions and sensibilities of the romance, but not until Cervantes’s “Don Quixote” was the whole idea and tradition ‘sent up’.  The first part of “Don Quixote” was published in 1605 and the second in 1615. This book is unquestionably the principal work to display the incongruities of romance. It does so by making fun of the conventions of chivalry and contrasting them with the realities of ordinary life. Cervantes’s masterpiece had a considerable influence on the picaresque, narrative of adventure and on the novel in general during the 19th c. In many ways “Don Quixote” is an early example of the anti-hero or the non-hero.
   Romanticism vs. Realism
1865 - 1914

Characters may be “larger than life” -- e.g. Rip Van Winkle, Ichabod Crane, Brom Bones,Natty Bumppo, Ralph Hepdurn, Bartleby
Characters resemble ordinary people -- e.g. Huck Finn, Editha, Frederick Winterbourne,Daisy Miller, Sylvia, Louisa, Edna Pontellier
Plot contains unusual events, mystery, or high adventure -- e.g. Poe's stories, Melville’sTypee
Plot is developed with ordinary events and circumstances
Ending is often happy
Ending might be unhappy
The language is often “literary” (inflated, formal, etc.)
Writer uses ordinary speech and dialect -- common vernacular (the everyday language spoken by a people)
Settings often made up; if actual settings are used, the focus is on the exotic, strange, mysterious -- e.g. Melville’s Marquesas islands (S. Pacific), Cooper’s woods and frontier, Poe's gothic chambers
Settings actually exist or have actual prototypes
Writer is interested in history or legend -- e.g. Irving, Poe
Writer is interested in recent or contemporary life
Gender and Idea of Sexuality
      Romance has always been a normative of gender relationship. During Medieval Period there are gallant knights rescuing the “Damsels in Distress ” (e.g.-”Sir Gawain and The Greene Knight”, “Le Morte D’Arthur” etc.). In Renaissance Romance we find the influence of Petrarchan romance that is a form of platonic love where the beloved (lady love) is idealized or worshipped on a pedestal.  (E.g.-Sidney’s “Astrophel and Stella”, Spenser’s “The Fairie Queene” etc.). In the poems of Metaphysical poets there are touches of intellectual romance. The symbol of ‘Phoenix’ is actually the symbol of consummation of love and carnal desire fulfillment.  (e.g. - Donne’s “Canonization”, Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” etc.). The Restoration Romances are sentimental romances full of scandals, sexual innuendos (e.g.-”The Way of the World” etc.).  In the Victorian Romances there is more psychological insight and during this period we can see much more women novelists were flourishing. The Victorian age was the age of novels and the novels, written by the woman writers, from their point of view became very popular in the common masses and specially the women readers. The Romances, written after World-War was very limited in number and the sense of hollow cast and alienation was very prominent here. The distorted psychology, revealing more sense of body than emotion was evident.  The Modern Rom-com Fictions are basically the stories of teenage chocolate romance, between a boy and a girl (e.g.-”P.S. I Love you”, “Anything for You Ma’m” etc.). Another form of romance are the Erotica- which is based on erotic romance (e.g.- D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” or “The Fifty Shades of Gray”, Vladimir Nabokov’s “Lolita” etc.).
      In social context, the realistic portrayal of romance has been embellished with ideal fictionization of the human relationships in a sugar quoted airy atmosphere of existence.  But romance has always been a subtle element in art, literature and life-and will always be.


                                                                 -Tinni (2nd year, Batch: 2016-17)